Nancy L.
Servicing the Tax and Accounting Needs of Nonprofit Organizations
Nancy has 25 years of experience as a Certified Public Accountant. Prior to starting her own firm, Nancy worked for many years as a consultant with a "Big Four" CPA consulting firm. During this tenure she gained experience in both audit and tax departments of the firm's Austin, Texas and Chicago, Illinois offices. Nancy also worked in a managerial capacity for a local and then a regional CPA firm serving Chicagoland. In February 2008 Nancy organized a new kind of accounting firm, Nancy L. Gonsiorek, CPA, LLC, intent to serve nonprofit organizations. The firm currently serves nonprofit clients in Northeastern Illinois and Wisconsin.
Nancy Gonsiorek, CPA, LLC is a full-service CPA firm, licensed to practice in good standing in the state of Illinois. The firm is enrolled in the peer review program of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Illinois CPA Society, as is now required by the Illinois Department of Professional Regulation. Peer reviewed firms can receive a rating of pass, pass with deficiencies, or fail. Nancy L. Gonsiorek, CPA, LLC has consistently received the rating of pass.
Nonprofit Specialty
Nancy has served nonprofit organizations of various sizes throughout her career, providing audit and other attest services, information return (form 990) preparation, and other business services. Currently more than 90% of the firm practice is nonprofit organizations. The firm library is well-equipped with nonprofit accounting and policy manuals and other specialized nonprofit practice aids to provide clients with exceptional business resources. Nancy writes a column on nonprofit organizations for a McHenry County newspaper, and has recently been named to the Nonprofit Committee of the Illinois CPA Society.
About Nancy
Nancy has resided in Crystal Lake for the past eighteen years, along with her husband, John, and their two children. Nancy is an avid community volunteer, currently serving as Vice President of the Board of Education for Crystal Lake School District 47, and volunteering with several local nonprofit organizations.
Contact Information
Phone: 815-455-9462
Address: 3720 Buckhorn Drive, Crystal Lake, IL 60012
© 2014 Nancy L. Gonsiorek CPA LLC